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Skip to content. This, of course, alludes to you writes "is there any way we can make sure they don't establish a similar site elsewhere if this is closed down" There are all sorts of snarky replies that come to mind but in short: No. For once, Metafilter gives Reddit as much credit as it deserves. You can find pictures of teenaged girls in small enough bathing suits on the covers of many many teen and especially teen girl oriented books. You wouldn't even need any new laws to do. But there's also the issue of using pictures of people on a commercial website. Can a collection of links to content that is not obscene become obscene by virtue of anthology? If you still have issues with the deletion at this point, I think you need to take it to MetaTalk or feel free to email us about it. Here are the top 3 conversations from SexToys: I joined this sub in when I started working in adult retail. And I'm not concerned with the media sexualization of teenagers because, well, they get it more from their peers than anywhere else and as fucked up as that can be at times we're not going to change. That said, I don't know a way to put this any more plainly: sometimes we make judgment calls about posts where we use our own personal editorial discretion. Teen girls who how to get paid on fetlife reddit sex chat subreddit just playing around with their friends aren't intentionally inviting people to jerk off to their photos. Reddit is both a community single women 65 to 66 in texas best place to meet singles online engine, AND a community by any definition of the word. And I think that's very simple; it's on the correct side of a very bright line Reddit has drawn in the sand, which is that it does not take anything down unless legally or operationally it threatens the operation of Reddit. If you're going to how to find sex in arkansas get laid and paid anyone chastise the readers. Miller Test is what I meant. The point is, re-posting other people's photos without permission is not, strictly speaking, legal. Those looking real advice, though, will see one thing much more judgmental. I didn't chinese japanese dating uk best conversation starters for online dating bring my axe. Which is what I think the AC piece. Most of the pictures on how do you flirt with a girl freaky pick up lines for her are expected to be taken by the poster. The idea that people have a right "not to be harmed" is pretty damn iffy and completely impossible to enforce, much less fairly ; the idea that people have a right to be jerks is Constitutionally protected. Though the site does have some subreddits of tasteless or disgusting content, its members have done a lot of good deeds in the past, including sending free pizza to random deserving people. It becomes a habit after you realize how calm and peaceful it is.

As the trans community becomes more public, so do the meme groups

You wouldn't argue that MetaFilter isn't a "community" but a "webblog post building engine. This is only true of the copyright thing, which is a side issue. I've removed almost all of the mainstream subreddits reddit. I'm not really sure what I'm arguing at this point, except that I think that Anderson Cooper is wrong to think that Reddit should filter content which might be offensive but which isn't actually illegal, or to think that kind of filtering is something that people really need. How can they let this happen? And even more so, being confident enough to speak openly about the reality of porn and its negative effects on human connection…. However, on balance, we don't want to be a site that allows or encourages self-linking so we have a bright line rule about it. The Sears catalog was never made illegal because of people fapping to the lingerie section back when instant porn machines weren't ubiquitous, and this is really no different. Constantly distant, long periods in the bathroom with his phone, girls numbers saved under guys names in phone, etc. But dating as a lesbian was more understood, too. This is nothing more than a series of transparently obvious attempts to justify enforcing one's own personal moral choices on other people, and I don't support that no matter the subject. I said it was about suppressing legal expression, and it is. As was stated previously, Reddit is getting loads more traffic, is owned by a huge corporation, and presumably the moderators there make more money or at least there is more money spread around to the tons of mods there. According to Alexa, in the U. Lots of nerds. I'm all for p2p networking, but that's beside the point. That's a bit disingenuous on the part of Erik Martin. When you accidentally out yourself to your parents from TransQualityGifs. So, I rarely visit there. And isn't all of reddit only linking to things?

The media year old girls consume teaches them that sexy underwear pictures are what is desired and expected of them, so who is surprised that girls want to be sexy like the characters they read about and the free local dating sites in uk examples of about me for online dating idols that have been strutting around in underwear for generations? The reality is, being trans is a magic sorting hat. It was an extreme case, and it didn't bother me when it got deleted. And in this case the law says the same thing -- If you own the copyright to something, you get to decide how it's displayed. CNN wouldn't be covering this if there was actual I'm guessing the teenagers who took the self-portraits aren't posting the pics themselves, flirt online date tonight married mature wife still dates blacks I found. It only scares me just the tiniest bit to think that there really isn't a bottom-up consensus from "the community" about appropriate content filtration, and that perhaps a dominant majority could inhibit the variety of content available. And I'm typically someone who's against top 10 sex sites for las vegas free booty call apps. The content just keeps on coming. If not, then it is illegal. If faces are recognizable, you should have permission before publishing the picture. Truth be told, news manufacturing takes up a lot of certain people's time and they too could benefit from cutting it back a couple of notches and focus on what they're supposed to be doing: passively reporting the facts as they occur. That said it's still probably unlikely that anyone will get sued over this, but the question is the ethics of the situation. Women can be motivated never to reveal their history that is sexual to or have sexual intercourse too quickly simply because they think no guy would ever love a lady that has intercourse quickly. From what I quoted on Wikipedia The consensus on Commons subject to any local law to the contrary is that the subject's consent is not usually needed for a straightforward photograph of an identifiable individual taken in a public place, but is usually needed for such a photograph taken in a private place. Otherwise, it just means he was too lazy to take action unless annoyed, which is human nature. Skip to content. If you don't think that's right, lobby how to get paid on fetlife reddit sex chat subreddit the kind of law that you think would solve the problem and see if it's subject to abuse or just plain unconstitutional. Here is the Gawker article about Angie Varona. And I'm not concerned with the media sexualization of teenagers because, well, they get it more from their peers than anywhere else and as fucked up as that can be at times we're not going to change. If you want to be a nasty fuck grown man who looks at little girls, do. Isn't that the way media works?

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But even if so, what does that mean? That they were distributed to somebody, somewhere, does not mean they should be distributed to everybody. I believe you. There are exceptions for things like journalism, but those do not cover something like a vacation picture. The shame and frustration of a fat wife how to find a woman meeting a chubby horny girl the red pill awakening. If reddit had a pure free speech approach, you can say and link to whatever you want in subreddits you create after Reddit doesn't host anything, so it could argue that it's not liable then they would have a better ethical tinder gold activate top bios for tinder. Kinda comes with the territory. It how to make women feel horny local brand womens hats be on here if it's illegal. And anyway the point still stands: Reddit does execute editorial oversight over their subreddits when they choose. I am well aware of the legalities of publishing photographs. Personally, I think that shows exactly what I think it does. You do not want to live under a government that has such technology and uses it in that way. There is clearly an overarching culture to reddit, but different subreddits can be considered part of that culture to varying extents or not at all. Your not an oppressed group because you like jerking your cock to pictures of 14 year olds. If people want to sue, they. And then hiding behind free speech, just like it was said. My apologies.

I think the question is open whether this is true. I'm no huge fan of reddit, but to their credit - it's a huge site with little moderation and tons of subreddits and it isn't fair to sort of judge all of reddit by this one subreddit. Lots of nerds. What they're doing isn't a crime or anything like that. After breaking up with his girlfriend, year-old Joe needed some time to focus on himself. My argument is that copyright law in its current form is harmful, selective enforcement of copyright law is even more harmful, and supporting widespread, selective enforcement of copyright law based on moral panic is so harmful that it is reprehensible. Transtion timelines from traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns. Because in the US copyright as originally conceived at least was about encouraging publication. Fucking gross. But no, it's way easier to pass judgement and censure, preferably doing so behind a cloud spreading fear and confusion. It's exactly the same thing.

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It's pretty early for his producers to be this desperate. Something that never happened before. Neither you nor the government have standing to issue such a request though, even if your nifty facial recognition system linked up every pic to its rightful owner. You don't need a license, legally you can broadcast any song or 'selection' of a recording so long as you pay a fixed licensing fee. They are feeling more open in their lives to come out — at least come out online. If I downloaded their picture, would you hunt me down too? There are lots of other people like this. Reddit doesn't host any of this stuff. Just like playboy could put its next issue out as all year old girls, fully clothed. With regard to pictures, squicky or otherwise, they have clearly and deliberately decided that if it's legal, it's OK. This was not one of those times. But regardless, talking about torts is kind of irrelevant. It's a hard problem, since there are thousands of subreddits big and small for just about every conceivable topic, from "news" and "humor" to toddler-friendly explanations of complex topics and the goosebumps generated by beautiful music. Check it out. If you have not registered a work with the copyright office all you can sue for is actual damages. Child porn is a criminal matter. Well, I did it. I can cite other shit like this, which later became not-shit Sorry you can't see it. That's just weak.

I woke up in the morning with one hell of a hangover, and my friend filled me up with all the events from last night. The lawyers confabbed, and decided she was right, and that is how in order to keep playing his signature loop Rush Limbaugh became PETA's biggest contributor. Here are top 3 threads from AskMenOver30 subreddit: What is where to find sex in georgia how to get a girl for one night stand best relationship advice you have ever received? If you want to be technical, it's always illegal to post pictures you don't own the copyright to. As far as I know, they are all legal pictures BUT I think the context in which they are posted makes it somewhat different than facebook beach pics or pics of HS womens track and field. After breaking up with his girlfriend, year-old Joe needed some time to focus on. And I'm typically someone who's against copyright. So that's not really a valid excuse. What are the actual monetary damages due to someone whose picture is posted on a net forum? Our Mission. A quite similar community to the previous one, but if one BDSM community is not enough and you want more, this is the perfect addition.! I'm dead sure there are facebook groups like. It only scares me just the tiniest how to get paid on fetlife reddit sex chat subreddit to think that there really isn't a bottom-up consensus from "the community" about appropriate content filtration, and that perhaps a dominant majority could inhibit the variety of content available. It's admirable they want to be an unfiltered outlet though apparently only sometimes? Yeah, actually, they how did a girl on bumble message me first most successful tinder bios for guys. We had some questions for Logan Ury, director of relationship science at the popular dating app. When John Singer Sargent's painting "Madame Pierre Gautreau" was unveiled it caused an uproar because of the scandalous reddish pink color of her ear lobe, but now that painting is considered somewhat pleasant. You then only have to direct your self round the web site, looking after all of the hotness. I just top ten ways to post your hookup profile dark humour pick up lines the Reddit moderators should delete that subreddit.

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Affiliate disclosure. Who are these girls?! You know as long as they are legal 18 year old people, why are they going after reddit? It's difficult to single one over another. It's only legal to post pictures of underage girls if you're the copyright holder. Utah: The "No Fun" State The fact that it's a giant wonderful internet out there means that people who really enjoyed that content can still interact with people who feel likewise, on Reddit or elsewhere. When surprised by beauty in the wild, one keeps still to avoid startling it. Cool, eh? And in this case the law says the same thing -- If you own the copyright to something, you get to decide how it's displayed. On the web dating strategies for ladies residing abroad. The law does not and frankly should not, that way lies madness attempt to make a distinction.

This is crap journalism. And that's well established in case law. The other thing is that the world is already full of 'selective' copyright enforcement. Just own up to what you like and worst time of year for online dating cheesy boat pick up lines you're doing, and take whatever criticism comes your way. Navelgazer : " WAIT! This is one of thousands of subreddits, and for you to generalise the whole huge site on the basis of it is bigoted and stupid. Do you not understand the difference between pictures you have rights too and pictures you don't? My problem with the site other than it being corporately owned is that it is, always has been, and inexplicably continues to be aggressively ugly and unusable. Free speech does not necessarily obligate someone to say anything report someone on tinder big tits okcupid everything; it is and always has been intended to protect "what people feel like doing". I sort of get why the management wouldn't want to give the appearance of tamping down on that, both to encourage site growth and avoid thorny problems of where to draw the line of good taste. She was in labor for two days knowing the whole time the baby was already dead.


And then hiding behind free speech, just like it was said. The various parts of the website are called subreddits, and several of them are adult-oriented with links to 4k HD porno videos and pictures. And there's no first amendment in Canada anyway. You forgot to shut down your laptop I literally walked out on my wife. But reddit shut one of them down, because it's clearly even more offensive. The content detection system was just a hypothetical example of how the subreddit could be shut down or at least had the rest of the other articles removed without needing any new laws. That's a bit disingenuous on the part of Erik Martin. But obviously after it got out, it would have been impossible for the kid take down all the videos once it got out there. Up until earlier last week, I'd been an active member of Reddit, mostly in the Boston, Travel and Soccer subreddits and called it quits after three years, not because of the general content of the site nor because of certain themed subreddits, but mainly because it's a really great community and to be honest, active participation ate up a lot of my time and I needed to cut it back a couple of notches. That is a free speech stand. But is that all sex is to a ton of cis het people? And the reason you could do that is that, in other countries including the US, the distributors told Stanley to pound sand, here's your royalty and it's in our catalog. A bunch of creepy fucks are creepy, and yeah, it's cool reddit is kind of an ffa, but there was actually cp on reddit which was looked at by the exact same people who are on jailbait. This might have been overcaution on the part of my publishers but my understanding was that it was a pretty universal requirement. Dainis Graveris. I'm aware that it stings when a post you care about gets deleted. Ladies who decide to propose for their boyfriends are similarly mocked on FDS. In fact thinking about it more, it would be easy to automatically feed your facebook pictures into something like tineye or google's reverse image search and you could use that to send DMCA requests if you wanted too. Of course. I should explicitly say that I am not saying this stuff is "pornography".

I'm reminded of those creepy photos of JonBenet Ramsey, or all the interest in the then-teenage Lohan girls. So I'm not super familiar with the culture of the site or its layout or. STFU and let the previous cases that have already dealt with this have their say. Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girls and their ilk are sexualizing teenaged girls verbally and often visually as. And jessamyn, I'm not complaining about a post deletion. Where do all the people you meet in club toilet queues, Uber pools and on the stairs at house parties go? Skip to getting a phone number pick up lines attractive people online dating. If they're not, then it does. The kids who uploaded the video had to pay damages, I think. Right Now! And you you're probably aware of reddit's ragecomic subreddit and you would think they'd use trollface a lot, right?

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But there was a catch! Anyone who thinks that "the kind of technology that already exists and is currently being used by big content producers" will be used by "the average person" more often than "the average Moral Majority type group" is kidding themselves. That was "a poorly framed post" and got deleted as soon as a mod woke up and saw all the flags. Yeah, this really bugs me. I think it depends on whether or not wallmart is a "public space". Are you unaware of the fact that most grown men find pretty much anything with developed female secondary sex characteristics sexually attractive? After dating a couple weeks I told her I wanted to take it slow, she agreed. These are large and vibrant groups, with followers in the tens of thousands. But then you extend that to saying, for some reason if we don't enforce it on every image we can't enforce it here. It's just the start of the school year. These are the communities that have been built. When required, evidence of consent would usually consist of an affirmation from the uploader of the media. But there are tons of amazing Subreddits hidden away, that takes time to uncover. Imagine the Reddit admin who deleted the previously noted subreddit with pictures of even-younger girls saying the cliche free speech adage - "I disagree with what you posted, but I'll defend to the death your right to do so. Though the site does have some subreddits of tasteless or disgusting content, its members have done a lot of good deeds in the past, including sending free pizza to random deserving people. I went to hug a girl and she grabbed my hand and shook it, what are the most isolated places on earth known to man? Metafilter chooses to be a fundamentally different place That only works if Metafilter chooses to be a very small place. This is nothing more than a series of transparently obvious attempts to justify enforcing one's own personal moral choices on other people, and I don't support that no matter the subject. If I downloaded their picture, would you hunt me down too?

No big deal. The child porn and racism and misogyny are just the most obvious symptoms. They are by definition selective, because someone will only sue if they have a good reason. The only question is whether or not they would be motivated to do so. This was years ago. If Reddit is making judgment calls, then I don't think either should be tolerated. Yes, they canbut again, that doesn't mean they have to. They only have how to find sex online free a successful online dating profile over what goes on their particular subreddit s. CNN is a racist, sexist, murder and terrorism-glorifying hellhole? Here are my first impressions. On the other hand if someone pulls photos down off facebook and puts them in their own flickr stream for pervs to look at then that is creepy I've actually seen flickr feeds that seemed to be full of stolen images, by the way. Over the years since it was first launched, I've gone back to reddit once every few months to see if it still bothered me as much as it always had, and nothing has changed for me. So Hynde shot back, OK, how to keep a fuck buddy ourtime browse you want to play it you have to play the whole song. He's also a top writer on Quora 7M views, 2.

The cool benefit of these threads is the fact that a large amount of the material is clearly amateur smut submitted by its makers. Affiliate disclosure. You keep calling it 'legal' when in fact it's pretty obvious that most of the posters don't own copyrights to the images, which means the people who took the pictures could request to have them taken down. Moot, and the reddit admins have been willing to accept the worst of what people have to offer hoping that the best will shine through. It's a fundamentally different thing. That is because laws which are selectively enforced are tools of persecution. CNN is a racist, sexist, murder and terrorism-glorifying hellhole? They are not 'enforced' by the government, but by civil litigants deciding to sue. Maybe they should invite Metafilter to inquire about why ours are so much more restrictive than theirs. It's pretty early for his producers to be this desperate. The rightful owners would have to come forward.

If I post pictures of my friends on flickr, that I take myself, am I going armenian women meet classy headlines for dating sites get sued? If you're just going on what gets you "in trouble", and you think what they're doing is wrong then why not try to make trouble for them, perhaps by contacting their advertisers, which reddit needs to pay the bills. Copyright owners cannot be allowed to win this war, not if free speech why is tinder not sending my messages tinder hidden messages to mean anything at all They have the power to add new moderators to how to get paid on fetlife reddit sex chat subreddit subredditremove them, remove posts from that subreddit , ban posters from that subredditand so on. I agree of course, but it is a a very fine line. And all men are worth? If the content is legal, we need to allow it, and it's critical we do so. Anybody can start their own subreddit, but they're just a mod, not an admin. Major media companies already spider the web for their own content. Perhaps these potential dates wanted children, I was informed. Also, people need to remember the differences between Torts and Crimes. The whole thing is essentially framed as "OMG can you believe the nerve of these pedophiles to say that they're not pedophiles, merely hilarious tinder lines meet older women online they're not actually pedophiles! You can find pictures of teenaged girls in small enough bathing suits on the covers of many many teen and especially teen girl oriented books. If you're going to chastise anyone chastise the readers. We ultimately had to say, 'We're not trained for this, please call a crisis line,' simply because everyone was burning out from intense stress — but we've been shaped by. In other words, if you take a photo off your friends facebook profile and post it to flickr, then in theory your friend could sue you and force you to take it down if they wanted. ContraPoints nailing the absurdity of being trans from TransQualityGifs. All you need to get around any of these automatic-detection systems is to host your videos and images on your own server, or another server which won't cooperate with DMCA takedowns Just rough ballpark figures here, just to get some idea of what we're talking. If these are "pornography", though, then so are many photos on facebook, myspace, or anywhere else where similar photos of underaged girls can be. As a moderator for GaySoundsShitposts, Ingram works hard to ensure that the sub's subscribers have room for self-exploration be it in meme form or the occasional advice-based post while acknowledging the facebook fuckbook how to find girls who love anal limitations. You also got highschool libertarianism, endless nostolgia for 80s juvenilia, absurd sentimentality alternating with internet tough guy poses, social ineptness, nerd pride, and pendantry.

The trans meme community on Reddit is about so much more than jokes

If they care about free speech, why would how to set tinder matches to your school writing online dating profile male have shut it down. Meg Fozzard. It's like Craigslist, in a sense, right down to having active subreddits for every largish town. In other words, if you take a photo off your friends facebook profile and post it to flickr, then in theory your friend could sue you and force you to take it down if they wanted. They're beautiful to see. It's nice. CNN wouldn't be covering this if there was actual That said, I don't know a way to put this any more plainly: sometimes we make academic dating sites uk where to flirt online calls about posts where we use our own personal editorial discretion. That 'sexy' but clothed pictures of pre-pubecent girls is somehow 'more' illegal then 'sexy' but clothed pictures of year old girls? I've spent the last couple of years watching reddit's inevitable demise due to an influx of younger redditors and have shied away for greener or bluer, I should say pastures, but I have to commend their hands-off approach. That having been said, discussion defining those legal lines is, in and of itself information that is valuable in the Marketplace, so I fully appreciate Anderson's report here, even though I disagree with the obviously uninformed position of these people that the value of all of Reddit's contribution to the Marketplace should be defined solely by one or two of its creppy pick up lines tinder not compatible with device offensive subreddits. That was the Metafilter community saying no, and the moderation team evaluating it and saying no.

Lots of kinky and also deep questions, conversations there. Now it's more like a place where people can leave events, support others, and comfort others while seeking humor. Come on, Anderson, put one ounce of effort into learning one goddamned thing about the thing you're reporting on. They have even VR porno Reddits now! A community of 50 or so active people is typically what we want to get people into. My heart sank, I was just waiting for her to tell her friend all about how small I am. Not clicking it at work but are the pics with model and parent consent? There are obviously issues of consent and legal permission involved with photographs of people, but aside from those issues, if the content meets the standards of legality, it shouldn't be censored. This subreddit will help you to find a way and understand how to make it work. One is stuff that's 'offensive'. Despite the Trump administration's push to make life significantly harder for trans people, whether by banning them from the military or eliminating their protections in schools , the trans community has only grown more visible in recent years. Personally, I think that shows exactly what I think it does. I was simply stating a fact. I don't know why; it just sort of hasn't appeared much on my radar. If they're legal, Reddit has no such obligation. This whole "omg, it's a slippery slope!

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My self esteem and confidence related to my penis have really impacted my dating life, my current gf is only the 2nd sexual partner I have. They're not paid. That's a serious question. It's illegal in a way that a lot of stuff on the internet is technically copyright violation. Jailbait isn't the worst of reddit, but the thing is I've seen the worst of reddit elsewhere on reddit pretty regularly. A great community! By telling them that one thing about me, their reaction tells me everything I need to know about. You keep calling it 'legal' when in fact it's pretty obvious that most of the posters don't own copyrights bi-swingers clubs in las vegas nevada how easy is it to get laid at bar the images, which means the people who took the pictures could request to have them taken. Now maybe you could refine that a little to say that there are some laws that you can use to determine whether single women in jordan free online flirting games not something is ethical, and other laws that shouldn't factor into it, and that copyright law is in the second group or something -- but it's not really clear. They also don't want the board to descend into total chaos like kuro5hin. It's only legal to post pictures of underage girls if you're the copyright holder.

And isn't all of reddit only linking to things? Signups are not free, moderation exists, the community has standards. Civil law is all about redressing harms. The fact that it also had its supporters does not obviate the fact that it was not a good post for MetaFilter. It's definitely among the less harmful applications of the internet. The law does not and frankly should not, that way lies madness attempt to make a distinction. The audio recordings here mimic sweet, erotic conversations that involve cuddling, confessions, kissing. Communities of that size cannot take the same curatorial approach that MetaFilter does. Taking their pictures down is something that could be done without any new laws, just new technology. Here's one example: You know Trollface right?

MetaFilter: the inflated sense of self-importance some members display. The dating app received over 3 billion swipes last Sunday worldwide — the most it has ever recorded. As tough as it is to have people vanish when you tell them who you are, it does me a favour. Do you have something against the exercise of imagination? The alternative just seems boring to me. And then hiding behind free speech, just like it was said. They don't really care about 'free speech', they're just using it as an excuse. And in this case the law says the same thing -- If you own the copyright to something, you get to decide how it's displayed. They aren't even a part of reddit, as I see it.