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Content #1: Monthly K-lytics Market Updates


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You will find a more detailed explanation of the methodology in the Member's area. Content 2: Access to Special Market Analyses. Current reports cover both fiction and non-fiction book categories on Kindle. Everything explained - plain and simple. See all Reviews. How does K-lytics differ from so-called Kindle keyword or niche finding software tools? The Coronavirus lockdown has meant months So, yes, taking the averages across the top 20 titles of a book sub-category provides a good indicator of relative book category performance. We will help you to understand and use them to your advantage. Latest Features. This is the first level of categorization of books into genres presented on the Amazon Kindle Store:. Home Blog Pricing Contact Login. In other words, only about 5 books sold per day worldwide for the No. TV Series 3 days ago. Sort, filter and extract market niches according to your needs. This is the place where you can discuss market trends and share experiences in real time amongst the exclusive inner circle of Kindle book authors, publishers, book retailers, book marketers and lifestyle entrepreneurs. Shopping 8 days ago. Get an unfair advantage over your competitors. Latest Shopping. Keyword or niche-finding tools give you a snapshot of the market at a point in time; this can portray a totally misleading picture.

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The data covers both fiction and nonfiction genres. Shopping 3 days ago. But there is also a "mechanical" aspect to this Keyword or niche-finding tools give you a snapshot of the market at a point in time; this can portray a totally misleading picture. We will help you to understand and use them to your advantage. Make Up Review You wait years for a Cornish-set quasi horror film to come along, then two TV Series 16 days ago. So, yes, taking the averages across the top 20 titles of a book sub-category provides a good indicator of relative book category performance. Movies 13 days ago. How to maximize profits by knowing the price levels for any niche genre? It is only available to members.

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